Android Vs. Ios Mobile App Development - User Behavior Factors To Keep In Mind 

Android Vs. Ios Mobile App Development - User Behavior Factors To Keep In Mind

So, you can see both of these have their limitations and advantages while developing applications on android operating system seems to be more beneficial.

  Android has a clear distinctive advantage because of a larger global platform share   iOS is highly popular across the US and European markets
  Android is popular in developing countries and among people with low income   Popular among high income groups
  Consumers spend money on practical purchases   Users prefer to invest more money and time on apps
  The devices come in multitude of sizes and choices   Limited choices
  Apps can be developed across OS   Apps can be developed on a Mac alone
  Multiple vendors are running the OS   Apple has exclusive license for their OS
  Development time is long   Short development cycle
  Costlier to develop   Cost advantageous

Five User Behavior Factors While Developing Mobile Applications

• Purchasing power and purchasing tendency

iOS app users would be more interested to invest more money than those using android applications. So, the scope of monetization and targeting pinpointing segments of high income group audiences is relatively simple and easy in iOS.

• Preference of quick roll out

Although developing apps on android is more popular and has become more matured to develop on; the development time is usually a little long on android. So, if you want to quickly beta test your applications, launching applications on iOS might be more practical. So, if your audiences are attentive towards quick roll out of their preferred apps, iOS might essentially have some advantage over android  

• Personality

Interestingly, android users are more introverted. iOS users prefer to spend more money and might be interested in leadership roles. In contrast, android users better want to remain as followers and be the contributor of change

So, consumer spend, their buying habit, their time spent on an app, and the tendency of baying pattern etc collectively make the overall scenario leading to the development of an application. The better your entire app development method is channelizing according to the operating system and its significant attributes, quicker and simpler do you receive the yields. 

The golden rule to design and develop a successful application for business across android or iOS 

• Identify the problem area 
• Choose the platform and device
• Narrow down the revenue model 
• Design
• Narrow down the approach 
• Develop a prototype 
• Market 

Need help with first mobile app?

Do you want a mobile application for your business but lack resource launching it? We can help! OMSOFTWARE has the resources and technologies to develop and manage functional business applications that get you new customers and consistent sales. Contacts today for a quote! 


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