Mobile App Design Tips to Enhance User Experience

Mobile application design for enhanced user experience has been a challenge for developers; given the obvious competition in the market, and increased demand among consumers for better interactivity. On the top of that, designing interactive, attention-grabbing and custom applications for smaller screens and shorter attention spans is another thing developers constantly struggle to overcome.

Mobile App Design Tips

Today, mobile app design is very much about interaction design. The key approach to making enhanced, affordable and smartly devised interaction design means you need to target your audience using their language; in a simplified manner. Here are a few simple app design tips for enhanced user experience

Ensure that you are designing an app for almost all users

Expert users need no guidance and can move through screen to screen; using tapping gestures whereas beginner users would make frequent mistakes. That's why; developers should design interactive and efficient applications targeting audiences of all age groups. The better defined, approached and holistic the entire targeting campaign is done, better the user experiences!

Counter touch faults

It is extremely important that button size is taken into account when Designing Mobile Apps. Most users feel touching faults hinder their experience with an app. The more easily structured the app is and better the touching grounds are made; the app can enhance the user experience automatically.

Use commonly used icons

Most users are familiar with a set of commonly used icons; since these have been integrated into handset. Therefore, it is important to integrate commonly used icons to better interact with audiences; ensuring they receive high level access and understand the meaning of a message.

Use readable fonts

The designer should use large, reliable and readable fonts and font styles. The designer should keep the fonts as big as it is possible without having to lose the essential balance with aligned screen features.

Other than the above-mentioned attributes; few other things that app developers take into account before designing an app include using high resolution images, researching the compatibility feature of apps, making simple and efficient apps. The essential thing to be noted while designing and developing app is to ensure that the entire framework is made user friendly so that anyone can easily explore the app, and then converse more with it.

Any developer while he designs an app ensures that highly useful and efficient apps should come into existence. The maximum user interaction, high level of sophistication, improved user experience, high level of quality app navigation are some of the very important things that enhance user experience to a new level.

These are some of the core things designers and developers need to understand while designing applications for better enhancing the overall user experience. Mobile apps are many, but those which integrate the user friendliness design and innovate it for further development without having to compromise with the effective interface win.

If you been looking for UX developers for enhanced and interactive apps, the best source is Om Software - the company has onboard expert app developers.
Outsourcing Mobile App Development - Top Checkpoints To Keep In Mind

If you have decided to focus on your core competence and outsource your Mobile App Development tasks, a few things should be on the first page of your consideration list. This article details some of the rewards of choosing a good outsourcing company and how should you choose one. However, before everything else, here are the benefits of choosing an outsourcing company.


  • Get access to skilled expertise and resources
  • Focus on your core work
  • Better risk management
  • Increased in-house efficiency
  • Have your business functional round the hour
  • Staffing flexibility
  • Provision to improvise service and delight customers
  • Give your business a great competitive edge
  • Save money
  • Have your business increased

So, most businesses outsource to save on money, time and effort; while availing expert range of service without having to break their bank. Outsourcing can be done across industry segments. These days, businesses are moving towards outsourcing even their mobile app designing.

When it comes to choosing a mobile app outsourcing company, there are a range of benefits that a business achieve some of which necessarily include -


  • Improved efficiency
  • High scalability
  • Secure your apps remotely
  • Integrates with your data
  • Easy to maintain and manage
  • Improves customer relationship with a fraction of cost
  • Provides real-time project access without having to worry about security

Top checklist to keep into mind before opting for a mobile app development company for outsourcing

Make sure that the company understands your business objectives - Before hiring a trusted mobile application development company for outsourcing projects, you have to be defined about your needs. Most importantly, the company you choose to outsource your projects should understand your business objectives and serve you with trusted variety of affordable services.

Choose a trusted platform - A company should have expertise and resources to compare and choose from the best available platform to start working. Usually, it could be any of Windows, iOS and android. The company should wisely choose an application platform based on information reach, target audience availability, security constraints, cost and utility patterns etc.

Target devices - Business should wisely choose the target device based on the business requirements. A mobile app should be responsive; easily adjusted to screens of all sizes. Based on core data such as target audience, performance efficiency and trend of using devices; the application need to adjusted.

Integrated services - If you are developing a mobile application for E-Commerce Company, payment integration is important. If you are developing a social application, integrating social media into the application is extremely important. So, an app works fine when it integrates aligned services.

Data security - Since almost every app requires users to enter personal information, app developers need to take special attention into security. Data security is extremely pivotal in ensuring security layers of an app.

Other than all these features, other things to take into account before outsourcing an application development should be as follows -

  • Should be defined about native or HTML5 approach
  • Be defined about the layout and content of the app
  • App deployment procedure should be articulated
  • Support and maintenance features should be well-implemented
  • So, before you think about mobile app outsourcing and consider hiring the best app outsourcing company; consider this article as a brief but pinpointed app outsourcing guide! Hire smart companies that know how to design and develop awesome applications that work!

We will start with one of the increasingly popular but highly challenging medium to monetize a dating application - Pay to Download.

It refers to downloading an application after paying a certain fee. The best thing about this monetization model is it brings a certain degree of predictable result. If your marketing is done well for social dating app and if your app is targeted at the right customer at the right time; you can easily earn some good amount of money.

But this model is extremely unpredictable in the fact that when 90 percent of applications are freely available on the Internet, why would someone pay to download one? That’s why in order to make such a monetization model popular you should devise a very intelligent marketing strategy.

Next on our list is an effective monetization model - advertisement. This model is all about giving users almost all the benefits of a paid service but in lieu supplying their feed with advertisements. This tactic works when you have a steady base of dedicated audience and they are massive in number.

An advertisement can be of many types; including but not limited to Banner Ads, Interstitials, Video Ads, Text Ads, Native Ads, Offer Wall Ads etc. As we mentioned earlier, the only way to gain momentum from this defined type of monetization model is to have a massive number of subscribers.

Freemium model of monetization refers to rewarding users a trial version of an application before they pay to buy the premium version. It can also be rewarding users to use the premium version for a limited time before they pay to keep on using the complete version. This model is one of the most popular forms of monetization for dating apps and is thoughtfully balanced and genuinely practical in the sense that when a user finds a product or service good and worthwhile; they are tempted to use it for longer.

For social dating apps, one of the useful technique to lure targeted audience is to initiate subscription model.

In simple terms, it means asking subscribers to pay for certain usage of the product for a specific time frame. The subscription could be in monthly, yearly or other time bound model. It is another practical approach to monetize a dating app. It is helpful in the fact that as long as a user finds the app useful, he or she will continue using and then stop using it when it does not mean any value.

To monetize a dating app, you can also use sponsorship monetization. You can tie up with companies that deal in dating and relationship business. They will publish and promote their product on your app and in return offer you certain specific amount of money. This monetization technique is good in the fact that it helps you reach targeted customers easily, and you need not to worry about any retention since advertisers will keep coming in, however only if the app is good enough to have a massive user base. This then again needs a great marketing plan.

Gift and tangible services monetization is yet another technique to start earning some money from your social dating app. You can connect people and at the same time, help them with dating in real life; such as helping them organize gifts and tangible services. 
Reasons to Hire Dedicated Developers

Hiring an amateur freelance developer in a jiffy is the easiest mistake you can make to cost your business time, effort and money. Rather, hire dedicated developers on a full-fledged, time-bound and defined milestone model. Rewards? Get genuine liability, increased access to quality manpower, greater productivity and all that without investing more than you can afford. Read more why it always makes a complete sense for businesses of all sizes to hire dedicated developers against solo or other types of resources.

1. Complete control over your investment

When you hire a dedicated developer or a team of developers for meeting specific tasks pertaining to your process, you get complete control over your investment. It is because you can directly monitor the work output, make yourself an integral part of the Development life cycle, voice in your thoughts and suggestions - all of that within professionally defined framework powered by the company that connect you with the developers. When you measure every inch of the result in a defined model, needless to say your efforts and investments are completely secured. In other words, dedicated developers offer you on demand, and custom transparency, security and flexibility.

2. Extension of your existing workforce

One of the greatest advantages of hiring dedicated developer is that you can sit back and relax while assigning a team of thoroughly professional resources do the work for you. All you need to do is to define your requirements, establish the timelines, and monitor the work progress as and when needed. It is like an extended team of your own in house developers with the only difference in geography, although you can always stay connected virtually

3. Cost effective model of work

By Hiring Dedicated Developer, you can save massive amount of money. And this can be accomplished in the way that you can invest your time working for your own business while the developers bear the pain of development stuff. Moreover, when you hire them on a retainer, it helps you save money by not requiring to hire a costly team of in-house developers

4. High productivity

When you hire developers dedicatedly, you can assure high growth, and exceed productivity. The dedicated resources are usually more committed, and highly disciplined.

Other deciding factors to hire dedicated resources

Quicker response rate during an emergency

Flexible work model

Works on different work model

Constant support

Happy results

So, when you hire dedicated developers, you can avail a number of benefits. To hire industry's leading, high-end technical resources ready to hire on a dedicated basis, please visit omsoftware - one of the leading IT and ITES players in the industry that offer smartest and proven IT services.

10 Essential Features That Your CRM Should Have

Usually associated with bigorganisations, a new breed of CRM systems aims at smaller and mid-sized businesses to improve their productivity with better team collaboration, project management, and business data overview. In an ever-competitive world, there is a growing need to track customers and work with cost-effective methods to increase ROI. An in-house CRM system is what you need.

CRM Features and Benefits

Here are 10 CRM features you certainly need.

1 Remote Access

The CRM should be cloud-based to allow remote access. Based on the business, it should allow all the vested stakeholders to login and input data from any location. If you are into manufacturing, you need a CRM system that will allow users to input manufacturing data, sales data, sales record, financial inflow and outflow, and more. Certainly, you can choose the level of access; the important feature is for the CRM to have remote access capability.

2 Responsive Rendering

Websites need to be responsive and render on all access devices such as desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Similarly, the CRM system should render on all devices allowing the users to login anytime. A CRM on a handheld device is an ideal solution for sales and marketing teams that needs to keep their work progress updated always. Other factors like accessing sales collateral, schedules, and back office data.

3 Communication Control

It is easy for a business to experience a communication bottleneck where the employees are spending a lot of productive time in answering and tracking emails. A comprehensive CRM system should offer an integrated emailing platforms for the users to launch and track campaigns. Customer service people, marketers, and sales people are the departments that need a cohesive communication control platform. The CRM system will not only enable sending and receiving of emails but also store the communications and manage projects.

4 Social Media Integration

Your team needs to monitor what is happening on the social channels. Activities like customer reviews, queries, negative feedback, and shout-outs need active monitoring and proactive response from the Support staff. Integrating the social media channels in the CRM will give a comprehensive overview of activities across all the vested social channels. The Support staff can monitor and reply to queries or respond to feedback and more. Internally, all the social media shares can be scheduled and tracked for reachability and traction.

5 Sales Pipeline

If nothing else, your business CRM should have a well-developed sales pipeline to track prospects right from lead generation to conversion, analyse the cost of acquisition, expense receipts, repeat orders, and other such categories. A sales pipeline dashboard will track each data point meticulously and display growth charts and revenue stream possibilities.

6 UI/UX Design

The UI/UX Design and navigation should depend on the complexity of the business operations. Your CRM software should simplify navigation; otherwise, time will be spent on training the users to access the in-built modules. The learning curve should not be high. A clever idea is to split the CRM into departments and give access to the users relevant in each department. However, all the departments should cohesively produce business reports to understand the health of the business.

7 Customization Possibilities and Updates

The CRM software should not be a static too. Presently, your CRM will be created keeping in mind certain features. What if the conditions change in future? What if additional features are required? Will it make sense to build a new CRM from scratch or upgrade an existing one? OM Software creates customised CRM systems that are high on quality development, and they have the manpower and experiential capacity to carry out any manner of CRM development tasks. The company offers post-development client service to update software or add new features.

8 Multi-Channel Customer Support

If yours is a full-fledged B2B or B2C business that needs to interact with customersdaily, your CRM system should have a multi-channel customer support feature, enabling Support representatives to connect with customers through push notifications, toll-free numbers, mobile numbers, emails, social media or a Live Chat support. All these options need integrations within the CRM, along with tracking, updates, and storage.

9 Security

The CRM should be protected, always. You will be storing sensitive company information and maintain a record of daily operations. AS such, the software should operate in a maximum secure environment. Om Software employs the right IT security experts to test the strength of the software against hacking attempts and gets the system rid of all bugs. The company follows all security compliances.

10 Regular Maintenance

Your CRM should be a bloat-free software. Creating and deployment of the CRM are not enough. You need to ensure timely maintenance services are employed to keep the software bloat-free, such as deleting redundant data and improving the usability. Maintenance is an essential feature. OM Software remains on the panel of all the CRM’s they create to offer timelymaintenance services.

Keep these features and benefits in mind before choosing to create a CRM software for your company needs.
Car Rental App Development - 5 Point Checklist to Keep in Mind

The Apple App Store itself hosts around 2.2 million apps (March 2017 update),and the transportation niche has a number of big players such as Uber, Ola, and Lyft. Such services allow people to travel comfortably in personal transport. Technological advancements are improving the scope of the travel industry to bring forward innovative solutions for consumers. If you have a travel or a transportation company, this is the ideal time to think about car rental app development services through which you can scale up the offline business and connect to travellers in other expanding markets. Certainly, you would need to hire a genuine and authentic app development company to create the software. Here is a 5-point checklist to keep in mind.

1.Fare Estimation and Calculation

Your car rental app will function on automation. Unlike the offline business, you do not need to read fare meters or monitor the drivers working under you for fair collection. The car rental app should have automated fare estimation and calculation process to speed up the process. Commuters would not want to wait for calculating fares. The system is auto-built with accurate mapping system to track the distance traveled, cost per mile, and calculate the final fare.

2.Rating and Review

The Internet ecosystem changed the way people perceived businesses. Consumers are aware more than ever the role an active review and feedback system plays for the reputation of the company. Your car rental app should have a visible provision to allow commuters rate the service and the driver. Eventually, you would seek ways to promote the app and improve its installation numbers or expand into a new market. What will help is these feedbacks and reviews collected from previous commuters. Hence, ensure that the car rental app developer embeds the rating and review system. After a ride finishes and the fare is paid, the commuter will rate the service and write a feedback. On the other end, the driver can rate the commuter and this date will help to create a database of customers.

3.Passenger Centric

The car rental app should have the features a passenger would wish to see in a genuine app. There should be a register or login page either through signup or social media integration. The booking UI should be clear and clutter-free, allowing the passenger to enter the commute data and book a car. Your app needs to have a simple procedure to share the contact details of the driver for the passenger to call and explain the accurate pickup location. Regarding payments, you can either have an embedded Wallet system or have other in-app payment integrations with credit cards and PayPal. There should be ride history and push notifications to keep the passenger updated about the progress of the booking and relay other information like car number, car model and the ETA.


The car rental app should have the provision to create separate profiles for drivers and store relevant information such as the tax number and the license number. You can also add in the feature enabling drivers to adjust and share their availabilities. When a commuter hails a car, the driver should immediately receive a push notification and a prompt to either accept or cancel the ride request. The GPS-embed should guide the driver to the right pickup point and generate an estimate of the ride fare. Lastly, the driver should have access to a Dashboard displaying basic reports like the number of trips taken earnings, and payouts.

5.Admin Panel

The admin panel is where you have the umbrella access to monitor all activities, on both the passenger and the driver’s side. The panel should offer a detailed overview such as revenue management, payroll management, client data collection, and more.

To avail all these features, it is necessary to hire the right car rental App Development Company such as OM Software. OM Software is an ISO9001:2008 certified, NASSCOM member, and a certified Microsoft and Google Partner working in the field of software development since 2004. The company offers native taxi development service for iOS and Android, which includes functionalities like secure authentication, taxi arrival notifications, driver communication, personalised company app creation, GPS integration one tap booking, fare estimation, and fare calculation.
How to find the best UX companies in India?

If India is the exclusive location that comes to mind when you think of cutting-edge UX (user experience) web design, it is still possible to find someone to work on a web development project in this developing country. India-based website UX design has been a rage for a long time in the worldwide market. India-based UX website design is still a design to be reckoned with. If you need someone for UX web design, it is certainly possible to find someone locally.

Find UX design on a national level

Of course, with the internet’s presence, there are a lot of people who simply deal with other ones from all over the world for projects such as UX web design and SEO services. However, it is sometimes easier to find someone on a national level than to keep your search strictly on India-based website design, there is much to be said for keeping the project within a local range. Not only is it advantageous for the local economy and work performance, it can also be handy for you to work with someone local instead of communicating solely through email.

Finding UX Website Design Specialists using other ways

Finding someone locally can consume a little bit of extra time, but with a few inquiries made to your friends and colleagues or searching on the internet, you will be able to find a local India-based UX website design specialist without much trouble. If you are looking for a UX web design specialist who knows how the market in India works in point of fact, you are in luck. The up-and-coming market of UX Web Design in India has brought about a revolution in the industry. It is also possible to find someone dealing in the web design business who also knows the ins and outs of marketing for the industry you deal in.

If you are looking for a well-established UX designing companies for the first time, it is a good idea to ask around for a handful of good names in the domain of your specialization. For website design in India, you will find many options, thus the need to narrow down to only the ones with a good reputation quickly pops up.

Narrowing Down The Field of Search

Perhaps the best way to narrow your choice is by field of specialization, as in the example aforesaid. Another thing to take into consideration when choosing your UX Web Design Company is their level of experience. Someone with a lot of experience (even if it is not in your field) will be able to translate that previous experience to new web site designs to make your job that much easier. Working with someone with a little experience is for those who have lower budgets; not lower expectations.

What Can A Web Application Development Company Do For Your Business?

Web app development company overview

Web application development, a vital service that has become the need for every web business owners, is attaining more and more prominence among businesspersons operating large-sized and small-sized business owners. The matter of fact is that every business has the cherished desire to attain next higher level of success and at this critical point, web app development service is the answer once and for all. If you guess that web app development is something you have not heard of so far then its benefits in terms of birds-eye view will be substantial enough to help you to start hiring the services of a professional and well-thought-of web app Development Company.

Here is what a web application development company can do for your business:

Facilitates clients’ interaction

Every shrewd business entrepreneur easily well understands the significance of client interaction very well. After all, it is a must for every ideal businessperson to get in touch with his/her clients and, at this point, web app development processes are among the first-rate ways to interact with clients. You also want your every client to experience as if they are the cardinal part of the campaign, and the right web app, developed and integrated to fit the specific business needs for your company, offers the tools to remain serviceable and connected to your clients.

Furnishes with ease-of-use interface

Clients hold dear an ease-of-use interface and that is the ticket that you can offer by dint of the exact web app development service. Your clients will also hold dear a set of handy tools that are fundamentally designed to input data with the negligible amount of work. A custom web app offers these incredible and invaluable benefits. Business can also automatize prompt, real-time updates and tasks using the right web app that are otherwise recurring and time-consuming. Some trendiest applications of this style include automatic quote systems and internal business management apps.

Avoids scam and software piracy

Scams and software piracy are today no longer strange things to business entrepreneurs. The right app developed with unmatched privacy will act as a catalyst to help you in not only making money but also at the same it will help you to prevent losses. The matter of fact is that no user can get access to or use the app until you grant the permission. Curbing scams and privacy is much easier than ever before.

Saves money

Apart from avoiding scams and piracy are, with the rightly developed app, you can look forward to saving your money. Businesses from a variety of domains are of the view that their custom web applications are the thing to cut down different types of costs. Also, a maximum number of businesspersons witnesses an out-of-this-world increase in the operating competitiveness. For example, listing price rates on the World Wide Web via a web application saves the valuable time of business otherwise they spend business price rates over the phone.

Other great benefits

One of the optimal benefits of Web App Development for business entrepreneurs is the clever and effective way of operating business at the high-tech level. Businesspersons can make the most of rapider updates as well as cut down operating time and costs compared to conventional procedures.

The leading IT Company offering first-rate web design & development services in India

Overview of Web Development Services

A website featuring even unique and catchy content and design does not make any good sense on a long-term basis in terms of turning around sales and pulling in good volumes of traffic until the website is developed periodically or when required. At this crossroads, an affordable India-based web development services can significantly come into handy for you. Properly website development is a great way indeed to list your website in the top ten search results delivered by every search engine. And it is possible to achieve the goal by combining website development services with proven SEO strategies and tools rightly.

Website development professionally and rightly can help you in giving a boost to your business in terms of better sales and traffic. To ensure web development back to back, you need to:

Generate interest in potential clients
Educate the targeted markets
List your website in the top search engines result pages
Build a host of followers

OM Software: The Leading Web Design Company

We at OM Software are a premier India-based outsourcing firm that have carried out a vast range of CMS and PHP website development projects of our clients as featured below. Whether it is a website design or a web development project, our clients just sing the praises of our virtuoso performance. Even then, if it is hard to digest you what we mention, then you can take a look at the specimen of our website development service on our website to get an idea of our services and if we are a right choice for you.

Our Web Development Features:

Collaboration - Invite your buddies, coworkers, partners etc., assign them roles and collaborate with them on tasks in real time!

Quicker than Email - Just choose any segment of your website and add a comment – it is instant as it happens in almost a wink!

Security - We take the privacy of our customers at the top level. For every such project, we deploy 256-bit SSL encryption and ensure to keep your data safe and sound in the cloud.

User Management - Ensures ease-of-use role management for users assigned for every project. Just add a new user and opt for a role, from journalist to overseer.

How It Works?

Statistics Chart Development The statistics chart covers the data which is instrumental for our team in planning the back-end functionality of the website.

Wireframes Development Wireframes are manually sketched artworks, which ensure where the individual elements of the website pages will be located. Wireframes facilitate our team to develop a working archetype.

Working Prototype Development A working prototype is an original and genuine facsimile of the website stripped to its essential components. Through it, you can see how the web site’s content displays actually and check the functionality too.

Graphic Skin Development and Implementation After surveying the prototype works properly, our graphic experts will create appealing graphics for the website. Once you acknowledge it well, we will implement the appearance to the prototype.

To get more pull of information about our web development services, you can visit our website You can also contact us on or +91- 9713107866.

How OM Software is the ticket for your mobile app development

OM Software has been at the cutting-edge of developing mobile applications for Smartphones and Tablets while these devices turned up in the market. These may be advanced HTML5 web apps or native apps for Android or iOS.

Benefits of Native Apps

That it is also usable with no internet access.
With Internet access, native apps work many times faster than a web page.
Functionalities of several additional devices to enable accessibility from your app. These could apps include integrations based on location-for example, augmented reality through the camera, social sharing, Facebook account and address book integration.


Through a Mobile Cloud Backend as a Service (BaaS) strategy, we can enable your app cloud at very competitive rates. Being a cloud-backend provider too, we can integrate the following functionalities into your app services as follows:

Push notifications, GCM and APNs
Chat functionality
Login and Account Management
Upload and share photos
Location-based services
Facebook, Twitter API links

Why OM Software?

A decade of experience and expertise in iOS, Window, Tablet and Android operating systems.
We take care of both techniques and designs your app
Quality is our top priority not only in mobile app development service but also in every other service, we offer.

Please visit our website to learn more about our Mobile App Development services.

A mobile Website Vs. a mobile application - which one to choose?

Not to mention, mobility is universally ubiquitous and is the wave of existing communication. Therefore, as a sensible business entrepreneur, you most probably be planning to create a mobile presence for your brand. With that said, among the different consideration that you will take, the first one that you want to take fundamentally will be ensure like whether you want to build/develop a mobile app for users for downloading or perhaps a mobile website. In the preliminary stages, you will not be able to find any difference in the two; however, when it comes to resolving exactly which of them will fit your needs will largely be based on a variety of factors. These factors comprise your financial means, targeted audiences, intended features, and the purport.

A mobile Website Vs. a mobile application

Whichever alternative you opt for in the long run of your consideration it is nevertheless essential for you to become cognizant of the cardinal differences between a mobile website and a mobile app. In terms of comparison, they both can be accessed on a handheld device, for example, a mobile tablet or a Smartphone.

Concerning a mobile website, it is virtually the same as a regular website rendered with a browser and HTML pages coupled together; a mobile website can be gained access via the Internet. How a mobile website differs from a regular one is the fact that it is intended for the small-sized handheld display including those with touch-screen interfaces. A mobile website easily displays all descriptions of content such as text, images, data, and video. Additionally, the website can give access to several mobile-oriented features, for example, click-to-call or location-oriented mapping.

Mobile Applications, alternatively, are the specific software programs that are basically designed for users to download and install on your mobile device instead of just being viewed on a browser. They are also furnished with the lineament to pull out content and data from the Internet, so you can get access to it even in the lack of the internet connection.

Which is more well?

If you are on the fence as if whether to build a mobile website or a native app, the answer is to consider you end goals thoroughly. An app is a bang-up choice if you have the intention to develop an interactive game. However, if you have the intention to offer mobile-friendly content to a mass of users, a mobile website is unquestionably the best way to choose. You may also bump into certain types of instances where you may experience the need to invest in both.

Finishing up

Professional mobile app developers lay emphasis on the factor that extra consideration should be given to launch a mobile website when you contrive to develop a world-class mobile web presence. Alternatively, a mobile app is just the thing for developing an app for a specific purpose, which a web browser, at the crossroads, will cut a poor figure in meeting the need.

For more information in this regard, please visit our website
Ecommerce overview

E-commerce is today a mainstream way of conducting business online and a maximum number of businesspersons are already doing it. Any brick and mortar business can have its analogue on the Internet and make the most of e-commerce. This trendiest business type is unquestionably the most cost effective way of marketing your business, which generally results in bringing out mammoth profits and delivering first-rate services to your customers.

Why Choose OM Software for Ecommerce website development?

At OM Software, we specialize in B2B and B2C e-commerce web development services and deliver solutions accordingly that typically fit or exceed the expectations of customers. We are armed with a team of prolific ecommerce web developers that are well versed in delivering the most fertile results by creating the structure, systems, tools, content, and persuasive interface design that are required to authorize customers to deal with transactions straightforwardly and confidently. We can deal with all the aspects of E-commerce website development strategy in a guaranteed and most effective fashion. Our technicians will carefully examine a company's systems; give recommendations on the hardware and software systems that are required for delivering brilliant customized solutions.

We have the best internet payment solutions for all your online business transactions. Now you can easily sell the products through your website and accept payments online through credit cards and other means of payment collection. We offer a complete package of services to enable e-commerce on your website. You can turn around your sales by selling products online, expand your customers’ base and improve the overall efficiency of your business by accepting credit cards online.

No special software or expertise is required and the ecommerce link can be easily integrated into your website at your end. What’s more, you can manage your products from your own web-based control panel. Whatever be the size /requirement of your business, we can assist you and help your business benefit from e-commerce solution.

Our standard E-commerce package includes the following features:

  • Complete Website design.
  • Product database.
  • Customers' section inclusive of registration, product info & search and order processing (a shopping cart or sequence).
  • Administrator's section with ease access, order and product management, file upload, discount algorithms along with exclusive offers, shipping and sales tax settings.
  • Credit card processing and SSL integration

Don't be confused with all the argots around, for example IIS, ASP, SQL, Apache, Java, CGI, PHP, Perl, HTTPS, VB, SSL, WAP etc. By choosing OM Software, you will be able to find out to your full satisfaction how easy, flexible and reasonable your E-commerce website development can be. Whether it is a complex online system or a straightforward programming script to mechanize one small process, OM Software is the perfect answer to both.

Please contact us if you want to know more about our E-commerce website development services, or to get the price quotes for the service.
The Superior IT Company Delivering World-class Ecommerce Web Development Solutions

OM Software has the specialization delivering in the B2B and B2C e-commerce solutions that are completely included in your existing business systems. We help you deliver out of the world results from your E-commerce website development programs by creating the structure, systems, tools, content, and persuasive interface design required to authorize customers to entire buy transactions straightforwardly and confidently. We can deal with the aspects of E-commerce website development strategy in a guaranteed manner.

We will minimize the disturbance of an e-commerce solution on your existing systems by carrying out the projects with the company's existing infrastructure and the internal resource requirements. Our technical architects carefully examine a company's systems, making recommendations on the hardware and software required for the customized solution.

We can also deliver the first-class internet payment solutions for your overall online business transactions. Now you can easily sell the products through your website and accept payments online through credit cards and other means of payment collection. We offer a complete package of services to enable e-commerce on your website. We will turn around your sales by selling products online, expand your customer base and improve the overall efficiency of your business by accepting credit cards online.

No special software or expertise is required and the Ecommerce link can be easily integrated into your website at your end. What is more, you can manage your products from your own web-based control panel. Whatever the size or the requirement of your business is, we can help your business to benefit from e-commerce solution.

Our standard E-commerce package includes the following:

  • Complete Website’s design.
  • Product database.
  • Customers' section inclusive of registration, product info & search and order processing (a shopping cart or sequence).
  • Administrator's section with ease access, order and product management, file upload, discount algorithms along with exclusive offers, shipping and sales tax settings.
  • Credit card processing and SSL integration

Don't be messed up with all the argots around, for example, IIS, ASP, SQL, Apache, Java, CGI, PHP, Perl, HTTPS, VB, SSL, WAP. Alternatively, you can find out to your full satisfaction how easy, flexible and reasonable your E-commerce Website Development can be. Whether it is an involved online system or a straightforward programming script to mechanize one small process, OM Software has the perfect answer for both once and for all.

Please contact us if you want to know more about our E-commerce website development services, or if you wish to get answers to any questions you may have or to request the price quote for the service.
Get the first-rate SEO and SEM Consulting Services from the Most Agile Consulting Minds

At OM Software, our consultation services comprise detailed customized search engine optimization and Search Engine Marketing report for your website, to reveal opportunities for improved rankings and attracting traffic from search engines.

Our consulting services will reveal the hidden potential for your website to rank your website higher in SERPs and increase your website’s visibility on the internet by providing the following professional consulting package:

  • Professional search engine marketing consultant reviewing your complete website.
  • A detailed evaluation of your website, closest competitor for the most targeted terms as per your product or service.
  • A complete review of your online marketing plan.
  • A complete technical analysis of your website.
  • A detailed back-link analysis of your website.
  • Usability study and rank analysis.

And many more features…

Why hire a professional OM Software’s SEO or Online Marketing consultant?

As an entrepreneur, it is hard to stay in touch with all the up-to-the-minute happenings in a dynamic media with an idea to run your business effectively. For your business needs, it would be a good option to hire a professional consultant who has exceptional expertise in search engine marketing domain.

Since 2008, when OM Software came into the picture, this has made a promise to uncover rising route endlessly and influence their competence to strengthen the most exiting media of all times i.e. internet marketing. We call it online marketing evolution. In a true sense, we are passionate about the volatile spirit of technology and it is the molecule that energizes us to ensure that your marketing goals reach beyond your expectations.

Over the years, we have developed and equipped ourselves to work with companies, advertisers, publishers and marketers. After gaining world-class exposure, we are all set for the next level where we would like to learn and explore strategic alliance with large advertising companies, interactive agencies and SEO companies.

The ideal combination of our values and our talented team of resources initiate methodologies that produce exceptional value in a considerable way.

Each one of us always looking at opportunities and challenges from long-period point of view. Because we know, the future does not just happen; it has to be built.

Mobile App Development Services

OM Software - A Premier Mobile App Development Company

OM Software is recognized a renowned Mobile App Development Company for a decade and over the years, the mobile app developers marked a record for creating and developing most number of successful apps for small businesses. So if you still shilly-shally whether mobile apps are the thing for your business undertaking or not, just have a look at the following various benefits that OM Software can offer to small-sized businesses:

Broaden accessibility

Unlike the conventional methods of marketing, a mobile app is a great way to help you reach out to a mass of people in a very short timeframe. People from every walk of life and age group, particularly youths take the fancy for mobile search and a catchy and versatile mobile app could hook up you with them.

Your existing customers can help market the business for you, which can result in bringing more customers. Pairing mobile apps with social media will result fantastically in stepping up the accessibility of your business.

Exhibit business products and services

Exhibiting your existing or newly launched products and services is again a very easy job with mobile apps. With the purpose to keeping your targeted users updated about your every released new product and service, it is important that you keep your mobile app updated. Exciting new offers and coupon codes spark the interest of the users to visit your website frequently often and bring in a host of new customers.

Expand web presence

In the cutthroat competition, it is a pipe dream if you think your business will grow unless you have a rock-solid web presence.

With each passing day, the number of Smartphone users is one the rise and if you still hinge on the traditional system searching for your targeted audiences, it is going to end in vain. With changes in time, the style for people looking for something has also changed very much. Your targeted audiences are today easily available through mobile apps. So if you want to have an enhanced visibility of your business, it is a must to have a dedicated mobile app for a range of compatible platforms.

Augment customers’ involvement

With the use of mobile apps, small businesses have the bang-up opportunity to enhance customers’ involvement by way of two-way communication, bestowing offers and discount codes on customers along with different loyalty programs to keep hold of existing customers.

Kick your business upstairs

Mobile apps are very instrumental in kicking your business upstairs. They are able to achieve the need for you by offering A-Z information to your customers. The users are delighted knowing to have the information whenever they want. Sending push notifications is another helpful idea and might enable a direct interaction with users. The apps also work wonders in apprising your end users of your products and services.

Final Words

With a versatile and handy mobile app, it is possible to turn around the position of small business dramatically. Scouting online will help you to come up with a lot of well-thought-of mobile app development companies and incidentally OM Software, being one of them, is at the cutting-edge of the business that will help you cater to your needs excellently. Hire our dedicated team of mobile app developers and rev up the promotion of your business distinctly.
Mobile App Development Services

OM Software has been at the cutting-edge of developing Android, Windows and iOS apps in the industry for 10 years. Since the early launch of our company, we at OM Software have been offering top-of-the-line mobile app development services without compromising the quality. In fact, the quality of our services has helped our company earn a very covetous position among our international clients. OM Software, the preeminent mobile app development company, encompasses the industry’s most gifted, industrious and tech-savvy mobile apps developers. So while you choose OM Software, you are getting the services of the most dedicated and efficient team of developers who have been designing and developing feature-rich mobile apps for different mobile operating systems for a decade.

Encompassing a huge team of masterful developers, designers, and imaginative engineers have the ability and confidence to achieve your business needs and objectives and help leverage your company’s prestige to an improved level. Having made a mark in mobile app development with their excellent performance, the technicians have carried out the development of 1000+ mobile apps till date for Windows, Apple, and Android operating systems. Irrespective of the business area your initiative falls in, we at OM Software can let it happen.

Finally, your search for the best Mobile App Development Company for different operating systems such as iOS, Windows and Android comes to an end here. So just let us know which platform you are interested in getting your app developed, and our expert team of designers and engineers will achieve the need for you.

OM Software, the preeminent mobile app development, is committed to delivering 100% customer satisfaction to the clients through its top-notch results. We invariably follow the most up-to-date tools and technologies to ensure that our clients can have a better edge over the competitors. Moreover, our mobile app development technicians ensure that we carry out the most challenging projects within no or negligible hassles.

If you are intrigued to learn more about our mobile app development services, please visit our website
Mobile App Development

OM Software, the up-and-coming IT Company, possesses a huge experience of 10+ years in mobile app development. Since the early launch of our business, we have been utilizing cutting-edge technology and tools to ensure unequivocal success to our clients’ business. Over the years, we have carried out hundreds of mobile app development projects, which have contributed largely to making our company as one of the premier mobile app development companies. We strain every nerve to keep our work environment all the way ground-breaking. We have a team of exceptionally experienced app designers, developers, and quality analysts who are committed to making the app services premium at all times. In addition to offering Windows, Android, and iOS app services, we possess expertise in developing extremely rich cross-platform apps, apps for games, E-commerce & M-commerce apps etc. Our developers also possess expertise in incorporating all the well-liked social networking sites as well as the payment gateways, specifically for the E-commerce and M-commerce websites.

Our designers deliver creative designing and possess expertise in creating innovative material app designs that fit the business requirements of the clients without a doubt. We are the trailblazers in offering valuable cloud-oriented services and our developed apps are aesthetically appealing that typically lead to a sizeable app engagement.

By the way, when it comes to building and developing the first-rate mobile application, it is a demanding job. From developing the picture-perfect design to delivering a world-class app experience to app marketing and monetization, challenges are rife. At OM Software, our mobile app developers take an all-inclusive and result-oriented strategy to facilitating from conceptualizing an idea to building and implementing a successful app. The most decisive step in the mobile app development forms the idea. Like every other leading mobile app development company, we work hand in hand with our clients to come up with an idea that is only one of its kind and has the power to attract and engage customers. Once we have got the initiative, it is worth the consideration to test whether the app idea will be accepted by users once it is constituted and released.

In the advanced phases of our Mobile App Development process, our gifted developers make sure that your app has an arresting design with an ease-of-use interface and easy navigability.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about our mobile app development services.
Mobile App Development Services

Overview of OM Software’s Mobile App Development Services

OM Software takes the modest pride in being armed with proficient mobile app developers, who possess a mastery of developing extremely powerful and groundbreaking mobile applications. The highlight of the developed mobile apps is that they look elegant, sport amazing features, and are furnished with the high-grade code. Whether it comes to developing the apps for Apple iOS, Android, or Windows Phone, we, at OM Software, the predominant Mobile App Development company, create eye-catching applications that are guaranteed to garner most enviable rankings in the key App Stores as well as get instant hits. We know best how to develop the app in a customized form to achieve the only one-of-its-kind business needs, and help you to achieve your goals and earn maximum ROIs. Over the years, we have assisted a mass of clients hailing from different professional backgrounds via our commissioned apps.

OM Software’s Mobile App Development Framework

OM Software’s team of mobile app developers range from proficient UI/UX designers, quality analysts, and project managers who exploit the power of the cutting-edge technologies and tools to deliver the bang-up results. We do not have an eye to the main chance but we first give full attention to the client’s needs and goals and developing an app accordingly. We also give the scrupulous attention while testing our apps to ensure they are all the way free from bugs and receive an immersive user experience at different levels.

Our Approach

Creating a mobile application, which will be a real smasher, in this cutthroat environment is a difficult job. As you can see, there are lots and lots of competitors that make Olympian efforts to get the winning edge. At OM Software, our mobile app developers implement a hard-hitting approach to paving the way from intense brainstorming an initiative to building and implementing a bang-up app. The most decisive step in the mobile app development comprises the initiative. We are poles apart from other mobile application development companies. Precisely, we partner with our clients to think very well about an idea so that it should be unique and has the effectiveness to pull customers towards you. Once we are having the initiative, it makes sense to test whether the app idea will be accepted by users after it is all the way designed and released.

In the advanced phases of our mobile app development procedure, our superior app developers ensure that your app has an arresting design with the idiot-proof interface and simple navigability.

Visit our website or contact us today at to know more about our mobile app development services!
Mobile App Development Services

OM Software is an ISO 9001-2008 certified IT Company offering brilliant mobile app development services to its worldwide punters and evolving clients at a very budget-friendly price rate. Thankfully, as a matter of fact, the mobile app development services have worked wonders for the clients in terms of enhancing the business visibility and turning around the sales. Interestingly, the mobile app developers at the company utilize the choicest and the cutting-edge mobile platforms to develop the mobile apps.

We design and develop mobile apps strictly according to the customers’ needs and preferences. This way, we are able to offer them 100% satisfaction while they receive the customized and developed apps at our end. Also, we charge most affordable price rates in the industry, which is another salient reason why our customers’ base for Mobile App Development and other services is burgeoning.

Why Only OM Software for Mobile App Development Company?

  • Tech-savvy and proficient app developers with great experience in hands-on secure coding.
  • We give special attention to your specifications “what you need, we just deliver it” Responsive team that can be accessed via phone, email or Chat Support on our website.
  • Comprehensive app revision cycle with hardcore testing of codes and web apps for any flaws in design and functionality.
  • We are counted as the premier enterprise app development companies in the industry.
  • We have a burgeoning client base in several parts of the world.

We typically deliver the following Mobile App Development Solutions:

  • Mobile App Development
  • Web App Development
  • Android App Development
  • iPhone App Development
  • eCommerce App Development
  • Enterprise Mobile App Development

We accept mobile app development projects from small, medium and large-sized organizations. At OM Software, our developers possess the expertise and experience to work with a range of technology platforms support and facilitate your commercial strategies. Our team will run the extra mile to build custom and complicated applications, which are customized to fit your business needs and enable process upgrading.

Technologies we use:


  • Magento, WooCommerce, Joomla
  • WordPress, Codeignitor, Smarty
  • Yii, Laravel
  • Mobile Platforms: iOS, Android
  • UI Design: HTML5/ CSS3, AngularJS
  • Databases: Node.JS, MySQL/ MsSQL, Mongo DB
  • Languages: C, C++, Python, Java, PHP, .NET

Benefits of our services:

  • We work in close collaboration with you to become aware of your idea for the application
  • We use high-tech technology for offering customized end-to-end solutions
  • We offer absolutely secure and user-friendly applications
  • Highly experienced in the branched-out type of applications such as games, business, media streaming, entertainment etc.

So, if you are looking to develop custom mobile applications, touch base with us with your requirements.

Mobile App Development Services

Overview of our Mobile App Development Services

Looking at the burgeoning use of latest mobile devices by millions of users from all over the world, that these electronic gadgets have become a part and parcel of our daily lives is above board. We at OM Software consistently make Olympian efforts to help develop the right mobile application you require. The Smartphone device is the thing to create innovative opportunities for improved business communication. This amazing device also works wonders for companies to establish their brand identity and be in touch with their targeted audience in several ways. Our custom-built Mobile Application Development furnishes with the right platform for the development of your business and for reaping other valuable benefits of your business.

Our savvy and experienced mobile app developers are well aware of your business needs and can, therefore, create a design that can help you integrate your business to the mobile device. We are well aware of the existing and evolving market trends and work on all the trendiest Operating Systems viz. the Android App Development, IOS App Development, Windows App Development, and Tablet Application Development.

Using the first-rate line of attack and consultation as well as state-of-the-art technologies and UI/UX designs, we have been focusing on building the products, which play a seminal role in developing the clients’ business. With extensive experience of 10+ years in mobile app development, we are committed to delivering 100% quality results that our clients value and make the most of.

Android App Development

Witness Your Business Scaling with Our Exceptionally Well Android App Development Services

As a trendy Open Source platform, every business is keen to get Android Apps designed without a second consideration, so that the app can get maximum hits on Google Play and users tend to register them for maximum downloads. If you are looking to create a sensation of your business through Android App Development, we at OM Software are the right Android app development company to help make your dreams come true.

We are ready to help you at every step of your app development. To be precise, we will suggest brilliant ideas related to your app, furnish you with a state-of-the-art platform and develop the app as per your needs. So while you hire our Android app developers, we assure you that you will not be disappointed at all. Our savvy Android app developers possess 10 years of experience in developing the apps with the top-of-the-class tools like APIs offered by Android SDK and so on. At OM Software, we deliver apps that can get access to device sensors, switch over data via Bluetooth or near field communication with simplicity, transparency and effectiveness.

We have marked a record of developing most sophisticated and user-friendly Android Apps for Smartphone, Tablets for businesses that have the avid ambition to scale new dazzling heights in app development. Our goal is to reach the top Android app development company in India and we make Olympian efforts to achieve it on a continuing basis.

To make innovative and functionally rich apps, OM Software possess expertise in:

  • Android Software Development Kit – Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, Kitkat
  • Android Media APIs
  • Location-based Service APIs and Wi-Fi APIs
  • Android Security Architecture
  • Android UI/UX Graphics and Design
  • Android Mobile Prototyping

Let us be your partner & offer the optimum level of customer service and dedication through our optimum mobile app development services.
PHP web development Company

What is PHP Web Development?

Before getting to the core of the PHP web development services, it is very important to understand its nitty-gritty, especially as a result of its diverse advantages. In the time gone by, the PHP ellipsis would represent Personal Home Page but today it is fundamentally referred to the exclusive scripting language, and is widely used in the web design to facilitate the surfers to browse through a website more conveniently.

The nitty-gritty of PHP

While a strong accent is laid on the interactive online experiences, PHP web development is in a very common usage among the majority of web designers and developers. With the use of this highly effective web script language, it is really very easier to create a very big site after all it works in collaboration with a database. The wide variety of codes from the websites facilitates the pages stored in the database to be useful for the user. This overall make the PHP web development a perfect choice for web catalogs as well as for any ecommerce site.

If you are not familiar with the advantages of PHP web development for your website, it is sensible to have a personal conversation with a web designer with respect to all the different possibilities that are available for your website. You may be overwhelmed to witness by what you will be able to carry out. Additionally, you and your web designer may want to explore other useful options for generating and managing your web pages.

PHP web programming benefits:

  • Hassle-free maintenance
  • It offers superb performance, instant speed and extreme reliability
  • It props up most well-known and useful databases like Informix, Oracle, Sybase etc.
  • It is largely attuned to all popular operating system like Linux, Windows, and Unix
  • It is fully operable on a wide variety of platforms such as Apache and IIS

PHP program offers multilingual support

Why Choose OM Software?

With best interests in mind, we at OM Software strive to achieve the desired goals of our customer with an unsullied guarantee. We offer the following types of PHP web development services:

  • PHP Laravel Web Development
  • PHP Code Igniter Web Development
  • PHP Symphony Web Framework
  • PHP YII Development
  • PHP Zend Development

We offer straightforward PHP web solutions for streamlining the quality and the output of your business. Our PHP dyed-in-the-wool programs will leave no stone unturned to create and deliver interactive web design and development solutions to your utmost satisfaction. The information we have featured about our PHP services here is too brief, so we encourage you to visit our website for complete load of information of the same or you can write to us at